Find your perfect domain name

Web Hosting, Domain Name and Hosting Center Solutions

.COM $11.99

.NET $12.99

.ORG $11.99

.INFO $4.99

.STORE $5.99

.XYZ $3.99


Data based on top 10 million websites

Why register a domain name with HostFly?

HostFly provides you the cheapest domain registration with an instant activation & dedicated live support. Register a new domain or transfer your existing ones now! Just use the domain registration field above to get started!

Cheap Domains & Renewals

Trusted Top Domain Registrar

Domain Privacy Protection

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DNS Management

6 Tips On Finding The Ideal Domain Name

How to pick a domain name

Make it memorable

Make your domain name memorable. Keep the domain name short. Domain Checker will help you to find the one that fits you best!

Less but better

Avoid any hyphens & numbers, don’t use any Non-Unicode characters in your domain names. Think about the domain name as an investment! Later, a good domain name may be worth a fortune.

Check for popular keywords

Use the Domain Checker & find domains with popular keywords. Protect your brands by buying the same name & variations of it with the most popular domain extensions.

Know Your audience

Make it relevant to your audience. Target keywords in domain names are important. Make a domain extension research with the Domain Checker.

Protect Your privacy

Go with the domain name Privacy Registration if you want to avoid your private data on WHOIS.

Be fast to be first

Found the one? Act fast! General rule of thumb - all the best domain names sell out really fast.

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Over 100 Internet Applications and APIs


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What is a domain name? How do domain names work?

A domain name is a bit like your physical address in that it’s how people find you out there on the World Wide Web. That’s why we call the bar at the top of a web browser the address bar. If a domain name is like your address then the server your website is hosted on is like the physical building.

How do I choose the best domain name for my website?

As a general rule, the best domain names are memorable and easy to spell, and many of the most popular companies named themselves by merging two words together (like YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.). Try different words in different combinations until you find something that’s available.

Once I register a domain name, can I change it later?

Once you register a domain name, you own that domain for the length of time that you specified, although you can potentially sell it or to transfer ownership to someone else. The good news, though, is that if you want to buy a new domain name and to use that one instead, that’s not a problem.

How long does a domain name registration last?

The minimum length that you can register a domain name for is a year, but you can also extend your registration to three years if you’d like to own it for longer. On top of this, we encourage you to renew domain name. You will get notifications via email when it’s time to renew the domain.

What’s needed to register a domain name on HostFly?

Good news: there are no special requirements to register a domain name with us. In fact, we’re open to everyone – you included! That said, we’ll ask for certain information throughout the registration process to make sure that we have your contact details on file in case of any problems.

I already have a domain name. Can I transfer it to HostFly?

Of course! As we mentioned earlier, when you register a domain name, it belongs to you – and not the company that you registered it with. However, your domain name must meet some requirements.It’s easy to get started and we provide all of the information you’ll need to walk you through the process.

24x7 Online Expert Support

You’re in safe hands with our world-class support team. We’ll help you manage and setup your site.

Our customer service team is dedicated to providing our customers with excellent service. If you need any help or information about any item,please do not hesitate to contact us.